跨奧首創「兩年體驗期」- $0收費 無條款

跨奧首創「兩年體驗期」-  $0收費 無條款

科技進步,臍帶血功用日趨廣泛。BB只有出生的時候才有機會保存臍帶血。 但有很多爸爸媽媽未能即時決定是否儲存臍帶血。為免錯失了一生只有一次的機會,跨奧制訂了 全新體貼服務。「兩年體驗期」。兩年內解約,無需繳付任何費用,無條款約束。讓跨奧幫助BB及家人保存最重要的健康財產。


  1. 登記18年臍帶血「兩年體驗期」服務計劃
  2. 簽署合約及填妥醫療健康病歷,領取寶寶盒,毋須繳付任何費用
  3. 嬰兒出生,成功儲存臍帶血樣本後,跨奧將會發送正式合約副本
  4. 嬰兒兩歲生日前,如決定繼續儲存服務全數繳付18年臍帶血儲存計劃費用,享受共18年儲存服務

條款及細則 : 1) 如登記服務後, 在分娩前, 決定不儲存臍帶血需要通知跨奧並且退還臍帶血寶寶盒(若遺失或開啟寶寶盒需繳付 HK$2,000元正)。 2) 如兩年後決定不繼續儲存臍帶血, 客戶毋須繳付任何費用。 3) 如在儲存臍帶血後首兩年內提取樣本, 需要支付跨奧臍帶樣本處理費HK$18,500。 4) 跨奥保留最終爭議權, 可以隨時終止本計劃,不另行通知客戶。

All parents will strive to provide the best for their new born baby and the whole family’s health. Matching your determination for the wellness of your family, CRYOLIFE launches a 2 years deferred payment plan. You can store the umbilical cord blood at Cryolife without paying anything and having full 2 years to decide.

Package Details

  1. Register 18 years cord blood storage。
  2. Sign Enrolment Form with full medical declaration,take collection kit(BB Box),no payment is required。
  3. CRYOLIFE will dispatch a copy of official contract after the baby is borne and upon successful  verified umbilical cord blood sample storage.
  4. Before your baby’s 2nd year birthday,if decide to continue the storage service all you need to is fully paid the 18 year’s storage plan and your baby will title the stora ge service til the 18th birthday.

Terms & Conditions : 1.After registration, if the client decides to terminate the storage service before delivery, please informs and returns the cord blood collection kit (BB box) to CRYOLIFE. Otherwise $2000 will be charged for any used or lost of the BB box. 2. If the client does not want to continue the storage service after the first 2 years deferred payment period, the client will not be responsible for any payment. 3.During the first 2 years deferred payment period, a processing fee in the amount of HK$18,500 shall be payable to CRYOLIFE before any retrieval of the cord blood sample. 4. CRYOLIFE has the final say on the terms and conditions for the deferred payment plan.




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